Business ID: B559

The Grosvenor

Updated on: 17-05-2019   [ Upgrade Ad ]
City: Brisbane
Tel: 07 3221 0054
Address: 320 George Street, Brisbane, QLD 4000

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Brisbane’s only topless bar where all the waitresses and barmaids strip to the waist, The Grosvenor is as casual as they come and you can enjoy the delights of the female form in the comfort of your workwear or thongs.

Featuring live sport, cold beer and strip shows, the Grosvenor also offers the services of the Barber Babes. Yes, for $39 you can get your mullet clipped by a topless woman; the breast barber’s in Brisbane. And, they are qualified barbers to.

It’s not the most plush or upmarket of strip clubs you are likely to visit but it is one of the friendliest and most relaxed. It’s also pretty big and can cater for groups of up to 200 people , offering some great package deals for events like bucks parties and birthdays. You can also enjoy the delights of the private and fantasy rooms or get a table dance in the main bar.

Also known as the Showbar320, they run continuous shows each night with a Mega Show at 11.00pm each night featuring the multiple talents of all the girls.

The Grosvenor is open Wednesday to Saturday from 8.00pm to 3.00am with the barbers being open from midday to 8.00pm.

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Tel | Mobile: 07 3221 0054
Address: 320 George Street, Brisbane, QLD 4000


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